Yolande Toohey is a Skills Development practitioner with over 13 years’ experience in the industry.
She specialises in optimising the performance of companies through their staff. This encompasses the guidance, assistance and management of their operational training and skills development needs including graduate Work Readiness Programs and Workshops.
Yolande’s passion and drive to empower individuals was born from being actively involved in youth development and later working within the hospitality industry where, professionalism and service excellence takes centre-stage.
She empowers individuals, organizations, SMME’s, women and youth through innovative skills transfer, leadership, organizational development, succession planning and E-Learning. She continuously strives to take learning to the next level and beyond.
She is a registered Facilitator, Assessor and Moderator and is an Accredited Skills Provider with the South African Services Seta to deliver New Venture Creation (SMME’s) and Generic Management qualifications. She is also accredited with the ETDP Seta to deliver Facilitator and Assessor certificates.
Email: yolande@ytconsultants.co.za